NPCIL NFC ISRO UPRVUNL Live Test-  2 Total -  12 questions Time - 5 Minutes

1. From which furnaces do we get cast irun?
A) Puddling Furnace
B) Cupola furnace
C) Blast Furnace
D) None of these

2. What is the type of iron ore
A) 5
B) 6
C) 4
D) 7

૩. How much iron is found in brown hematite
A)30 to 40%
B) 40 to 50%
C) 70 to 90%
D) 50 to 90%

4. How much iron is found in magnetite
A) 48%
B) 60%
C) 72%
D) 80%

5. Which iron ore is called hydrohematite
A) Limonite
B) Magnetite
C) Siderite
D) Pyrites

6. Rat iron is pure iron. How much iron is found in it?
A) 99.5%
B) 99.9%
C) 90%
D) 95%

7.How much iron is found in red hematite
A) 30 to 40%
B) 40 to 50%
C) 70%
D) 90%

8. From which furnaces do we get wrought iron?
A) Puddling Furnace
B) Cupola furnace.
C) Blast Furnace
D) None of  these

9. Which iron ore is called Spethic iron ore
A) Limonite
B) Magnetite
C) Siderite
D) Pyrites

10. Which iron ore is called load stone
A) Limonite.
B) Magnetite
C) Siderite
D) Pyrites

11. How much iron is usually found in iron and
A) 30 to 40%
B) 40 to 50%
C) 40 to 70%
D) 70 to 90%

12.From which furnaces do pig iron get
A) Puddling Furnace
B) Cupola furnace
C) Blast Furnace.
D) None of these

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