Lathe Accessories MCQ


1. Which one of the following is used to hold cylindrical rough casting for turning?

(a) Three-jaw chuck 

(b) Four-jaw chuck

(c) Collet chuck 

(d) Magnetic chuck

2. Which one of the following centres is suitable while cutting taper by set over


(a) Plain centre 

(b) Half centre

(c) Ball centre 

(d) Revolving centre

3. Which one of the following is used to hold the workpiece for machining diameter concentric to its hole / bore?

(a) Face plate 

(b) Mandrel

(c) Three-jaw chuck 

(d) Four-jaw chuck

4. Which among the following centres is suitable when workpiece held between

centres is to be turned at high speed?

(a) Ball centre 

(b) Half centre

(c) Pipe centre 

(d) Revolving centre

5. The included angle of live centre nose is

(a) 30° 


(c) 60° 


6. A lathe half centre is used

(a) To support the workpiece always

(b) To turn long workpiece

(c) Because it is easy to lubricate the workpiece

(d) To face the workpiece upto the end of the centre hole

7. Dead centre, as compared with the live centre, bears or resists

(a) No friction 

(b) Equal friction

(c) Less friction 

(d) More friction

8. The size of three-jaw chuck is specified by

(a) The size of each jaw

(b) The thickness of each jaw

(c) The diameter of the body of the chuck

(d) Width of the body of the chuck

9. Which type of holding device is suitable for holding eccentric job

(a) Three-jaw chuck 

(b) Four-jaw chuck

(c) Faceplate 

(d) Magnetic chuck

10. A follower steady consists of

(a) One pad 

(b) Two pads

(c) Three pads 

(d) Four pads

11. A follower steady is fixed on the

(a) Tailstock


(c) Saddle 


12. The taper provided in the nose of the tailstock barrel is

(a) Morse taper 

(b) Jarno taper

(c) Brown and Sharpe taper 

(d) Metric taper

13. An irregularly shaped wotkpiece is turned on a lathe. Which one of the following work holding accessories is used?

(a) Three-jaw chuck 

(b) Two-jaw chuck

(c) Driving plate 

(d) Faceplate

14. Which taper is used on spindle nose of the lathe headstock?

(a) Jarno taper 

(b) Brown and Sharpe taper

(c) Pin taper 

(d) Morse taper

15.What is the advantage of tailstock spindle having left-handed threads?

(a) Avoid advancement of barrel when rotated clockwise

(b) Ensure that the barrel advances with clockwise movement of hand wheel

(c) Reduce the tendency for excessive movement of the barrel

(d) Avoid jamming of spindle and hand wheel

16.Which among the following is NOT the feature of tailstock?

(a) It holds the job.

(b) Drills and reamers can be mounted on it.

(c) Dead centre is mounted on its spindle.

(d) It can be used for taper turning by offset method.

17.Which one of the following tool posts is easy for setting the tool centre height of the tool in a lathe?

(a) Open side tool post 

(b) Single screw tool post

(c) Four-way tool post 

(d) Universal tool post

18. An angular workpiece is to be faced. It should be mounted

(a) In a three-jaw chuck 

(b) In a collet

(c) Between centres 

(d) On a face plate

19. Scroll and gear mechanism is employed in

(a) Three-jaw chuck 

(b) Four-jaw chuck

(c) Magnetic chuck 

(d) Collet chuck

20. Which among the following materials is used for steady rest pads?

(a) Mild steel 


(c) Brass 

(d) Aluminium

21.Which among the following statements in respect of fixed steady is NOT correct?

(a) When setting its two lower pads are made to just touch the surface of the job


(b) It must be trued before the pads to bear on the job.

(c) Skinning is done on the job before it is set with the job.

(d) It is fixed to the carriage of the lathe.

22.A fixed steady has

(a) One adjustable pad 

(b) Two adjustable pads

(c) Three adjustable pads 

(d) Four adjustable pads

23. During machining operation using faceplate, the angle plate is held on the

(a) Faceplate ' 

(b) Carriage

(c) Tailstock 


24.Which one of the following methods is used to press the mandrel squarely to the


(a) By hammering 

(b) By arbor press

(c) By tailstock

 (d) By vice

25.Tool maker's buttons are used for

(a) Aligning the workpiece for boring to a given datum

(b) Setting the tool at correct centre height

(c) Adjusting the slackness in the guideways of cross-slide

(d) Holding the workpiece firmly

26.A faceplate is used for turning

(a) Regular shaped jobs 

(b) Irregular shaped jobs

(c) Flat jobs 

(d) None of the above

27.Which among the following statements is NOT correct?

(a) A faceplate is similar to the magnetic chuck.

(b) For accurate setting of the job on the faceplate, dial test indicator is used.

(c) To check the balance of the faceplate work, spindle drive should be


(d) 'V’ block is essential for holding round job on faceplate

28.‘V’ groves of cast iron pulley have to be fine turned. Which one of the following work holding methods gives the highest concentricity?

(a) Holding between a four-jaw chuck and a revolving centre.

(b) Holding between a three-jaw chuck and supporting with a pipe centre.

(c) Holding on a split mandrel and machining between centres.

(d) Holding on cone mandrel and machining between centres.

29.When machining an irregularly shaped workpiece held in faceplate,

counterbalancing is done by clamping weights. This is done

(a) Before mounting the faceplate on the spindle nose.

(b) After mounting the faceplate on the spindle nose and revolving the

workpiece at the slowest rpm.

(c) After mounting the faceplate on the spindle nose and keeping the spindle in

neutral position.

(d) After taking the rough cut

30.A fixed steady rest is used to

(a) Support the tool rigidly to avoid chatter during operation.

(b) Support long shafts that are being threaded for their full length.

(c) Support workpieces during facing large diameter workpieces with short


(d) Support long workpieces held in chuck, to perform operations at the

overhanging end.

31.You want to fix an irregularly shaped workpiece on a lathe, which one of the

following accessories is the most appropriate?

(a) Three-jaw self-centering chuck 

(b) Driving plate

(c) Faceplate 

(d) Catch plate

32.The fingers of a fixed steady rest are set to support a lengthy workpiece held in a four-jaw chuck. The fingers are adjusted and set when the workpiece is

(a) Trued to the chuck and the work is stationary.

(b) Trued at the tailstock and when the work is running at slow rpm.

(c) Trued at both ends and work is stationary.

(d) Trued at both ends when the work is running at slow rpm.

33.A traveling steady is fixed at the saddle of a lathe. What is the function of this steady rest?

(a) To prevent bending of long shafts due to cutting force.

(b) To avoid load on the lathe centres while turning long shafts.

(c) To reduce the load on the cutting tool while turning.

(d) To ensure to turn at higher cutting speeds than recommended.

34.The matching scroll threads on the back faces of the chuck jaws of a concentric chuck are

(a) Equal in numbers but unequal in pitch.

(b) Unequal in numbers but equal in pitch.

(c) Unequal in numbers and unequal in pitch.

(d) Equal in numbers and equal in pitch.

35.A split bearing bush which has its two halves soldered, is held in a four-jaw

independent chuck for machining. Which one of the following defects will result if

the work is not held by the two opposite jaws on soldered points

(a) Truing at the chuck end is not possible.

(b) Soldering will give way and the two halves will be separated.

(c) Bored hole not concentric with outer dia. of the bush.

(d) Bored dimensional accuracy cannot be obtained.

Answer  Key -

1.b 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.c 

6.d 7.d 8.c 9. b 10.b

11.c 12.a 13.d 14.d 15.b

16.a 17.d 18.d 19.a 20.c

21.d 22.c 23.a 24.b 25.a

26.b 27.a 28.d 29.c 30.d

31.c 32.c 33.a 34.b 35.b
