NPCIL NFC ISRO UPRVUNL Live Test-  2 Total -  12 questions Time - 5 Minutes

1.  The melting point of Wrought iron is
A)1100°C to 1200°C
B) 12000 to 1300°C
C) 1100°C to 1150C
D) 1600°C

2. The part of the blast furnace from which the molten metal scum comes out is
A) Tapping Hole
B) Slag hole
C) Tuyers
D) Hearth

3. Crane hooks are made
A) Pig iron
B) Cast Iron
C) Wrought iron
D) High Carbon Steel

4.Has the least carbon
A) Pig iren
B) Cast Iron
C) Wrought Iron
D) Mild Steel

5. There is no method of obtaining iron by removing impurities from iron ore.
A) Gravity Separation
B) Magnetic Separation
C) melting
D) None of these

6. Is the most carbon
A) pig iron
B) Cast Iron
C) Wrought Iron
D) Mild Steel

7. which iron ore has up to 40% iron content?
A) Limonite
B) Clay Iron Stone
C) Siderite
D) Pyrites

8. The melting point of cast iron is
A) 1100°C to 1200°C
B)  1200°C to 1300
C) 1100°C to 1150°C
D) 1600°C

9. The part of the blast furnace from which the molten metal comes out is called
A) Tapping Hole
B) Slag hole
C) Tuyers
D) Hearth

10.When the amount of iron in iron ore is more than 40%, then which method will
be used to extract pure iron from that iron ore
A) Gravity Separation
B) Magnetic Separation
C) Smelting
D) None of these

11. Which iron ore has more iron content?
A) Limonite
B) Magnetite
C) Siderite
D) Pyrites

12. The melting zone of the blast furnace is
A) 1000°C to 3000°C
B) 2000°C to 3000°C
C) 1200°C to 1500°C
D) 1000°C to 2000°C

.........................Thanks You..............................
